Patch to android breaks phones functionality

Hello, I'm having an issue with "Disable signature verification in the package manager" android patch... After applying it and rebooting my phone can't mount emulated storage, wifi and bluetooth don't work and who knows what else. I'm running Android 12, no one else seems to have this issue, so I am not sure if the problem is in my ROM or it's an issue for all Android 12 users...

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andy_men2 replied
2 Years

support it. Poco F3, Android 13 (syberiaOS, RiceDroid). After applying the patch "Disabling signature verification in the package manager" and rebooting, bluetooth does not work.

andy_men2 replied
2 Years

???????????. Poco F3, Android 13 (syberiaOS, RiceDroid). ????? ?????????? ?????? "?????????? ???????? ??????? ? package manager" ? ???????????? ?? ???????? bluetooth.

simplepinoi177 replied
2 Years
This happened to me on my Pixel 7 Pro running Android 13 using LSposed - Zygisk. I was only able to get bluetooth working by disabling the modules, but I had to factory reset my device because I kept getting issues with my Bluetooth name after this!
gotovega replied
2 Years
It is a ROM problem, but, on Android 12.1 almost all ROMs have this problem, the only I have sucess is on riceDroid.I want this problem solved, I want to disable signature verification on Android 12.1 ????