Will the lucky patcher developers add virtual root environment support?

Active 2 Replies 727 Views 2018-09-01 00:31:53 Questions
It's likely hard for some of us to root our phones. So can you guys add virtual root environment support to lucky patcher? It would be great to have that sort of feature.

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nbshsn replied
6 Years
I cant even make custom recovery images. That's why.

I cant root phones above android 5. So if they could add virtual root environment it would be easy to use some stuff on many phones. 

tomas4 replied
6 Years
Why? Why are you use emulator? And root on phones is basically one ececutable file called "su" placed in /system/bin and few libraries and modfies boot script...so if you can root virtual environtment in this way, LP will be working, you also need busybox for platform you run emulator, I suppose x86/x64....

But root calls on android starts using new thread with argument path to executable in this case: "system/bin/su myRootExecutableFile" maybe more difficult due to SElinux support...
