UFC patching with Luckypatcher is not successful anymore with the new Luckypatcher

Active 0 Reply 545 Views 2019-04-05 16:16:12 Questions
I used had  A good result with old lucky patcher and the new lucky patcher is not giving me a good result with UFC patching.  

What is the problem?

After I updated the old lucky patcher my UFC is not working at all.   There must be some problem with the new lucky patcher, and it  keeps on asking me GooglPlayStore verifyFailed problem.

 I tried all the possible the attempts to correct this problem from Google but I could not succeed.  Those attempts are including Google and Google Play Store new installations and including the factory reset. I even tried it for other Samsung Galaxy S4 s6 edge, and others.

None are successful anymore.

Please give me some working advise.  Ny main smartphone is Galaxy S9 plus.

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