twrp gone

Active 2 Replies 951 Views 2019-01-30 00:29:42 Questions
after i installed lucky patcher ,my twrp gone, cant boot into twrp anymore, yes i can install it again later, but is it normal? because after that my phone got randomly reboot in my pocket

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benjibenjadid replied
6 Years
I've reinstalled twrp and restored my system via twrp , i didn't install any custom rom or twrp  lately, 

My twrp gone after i activate luckypatcher Xposed module and install modded playstore as user app.

But thank you it's fine, i'll try again later..

arm replied
6 Years
No clue why that would happen, I have several phones with TWRP+root and LP never caused TWRP to disappear. Did you perform a reset or install a custom rom lately?