travelling to China with Lucky Patcher: should i remove LP?

Active 4 Replies 856 Views 2020-11-02 18:48:56 Questions

Hello Forum 


I have to travel to China and I try not to draw attention (e.g. because of suspicious apps :smile: 


Should patched apps continue to work without installed LP? 


Thank's a lot! 




I don't have real-world experience with LP. 


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joe replied
3 Years

If you did "Reassembly Dex" it will work when you uninstall lucky, if you did the other method (redirect server thkngy) it won't work when you uninstall Lucky sup

Thank you very much sup for the helpful feedback!


joe replied
4 Years
If you did "Reassembly Dex" it will work when you uninstall lucky, if you did the other method (redirect server thkngy) it won't work when you uninstall Lucky sup

Is one of those two patching methods more effectiv, or does that entirely depend of the APK/App?

Thank's in advance!


joe replied
4 Years

Thank you very much sup for the helpful feedback!


sup replied
4 Years
If you did "Reassembly Dex" it will work when you uninstall lucky, if you did the other method (redirect server thkngy) it won't work when you uninstall Lucky