Saving data from a game before patched.

Active 1 Reply 411 Views 2019-06-18 13:10:11 Questions
I was so excited that I could have my Fashion Empire game hacked, before I realized I would have to say good-bye to my old game that I have played for over a year now, steadily. My current game has not been patched before. Is there a way I can still hack, without loosing my game? I sure would like to save the money I spend regularily on the game! Thanks, Wendy.

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aminelord replied
5 Years
Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it only works with external saving outside of your Google play account ( ex, external game servers) unless you root your device and directly install the modified apk as almost like a update for the already installed app instead of uninstalling the original and installing the modified version. Rooting would also allow you to log into your play account on the modified version therefore allowing for you to access your Google game saves, as well as being able to unlock Google play achievements.