Patching an APK's AndroidManifest.xml file:

Active 0 Reply 650 Views 2020-01-30 15:49:16 Questions

Patching an APK's AndroidManifest.xml file:

I need to know how to most easily patch an entry in the AndroidManifest.xml file in CM Browser, or any APK for that matter, sign and save the new APK out, so that I can install that new APK on my non-rooted device and avoid the ''Helium'' and Backups-over-ADB 'Backup_Disallowed' error, that can be solved by setting the android:allowBackup attribute true in the AndroidManifest.xml file of any APK.

At present, I can transfer any App's Data to another rooted device really easily using ES-File-Explorer's (std or pro) that saves out the APK and a companion ZIP of the App's Data, but obviously can't do the restore of the ZIP on a non-rooted device.

Helium Backup works fine (via a one-time USB connection to your PC) and I've been able to replicate other App's Data that I originally set up on a rooted device over to this non-rooted device quite satisfactorily, except for apps that have their allowBackup attribute set to false. Sadly, CM Browser is one of those apps.

I've used an Xposed Module on the rooted source device to fool the system into making ALL apps backup-able. I can now create a backup of CM Browser, but when I've transferred the Helium (carbon folder) over to my non-rooted device, and then run Helium against that, nothing is restored, implying that the allowBackup attribute is also watched and while still being set to false on the APK in the non-rooted device, it fails that test and won't restore - bummer.

[XPOSED][MOD] Backup All Apps | Flag for backing up is enabled for all apps.

Can anyone help me out with what's needed to patch an APK's AndroidManifest.xml file using Lucky Patcher?

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