LP and EMUI 8

Active 0 Reply 566 Views 2019-07-30 20:30:46 Questions

Hi everyone

I am customizing / building a EMU 8 rom ( mediapad m5 , but the same on all EMUI models ) for use with LP.

On this rom i got the "Chinese firmwares prevent some LP functions" message upon LP startup.

I located the system APK that LP is actually complaining about ( delete/freeze the APK and message goes away ).

It is HwSystemManager.apk ( or Phone manager on the P20lite ).

Normally that would be problem solved, keep HwSystemManager.apk of the rom and good to go. But in this case HwSystemManager.apk controls the recents screen and without one of its services running recents does not work correctly.

So i want to know what exactly is LP looking for when it gives the "Chinese firmwares prevent some LP functions"  message ? Is it looking for the APK, a service, An activity or a Content Provider ?????

And what service/ part of HwSystemManager.apk is to blame ( maybe the antivirus or app checker ?? )

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