License verification

Active 2 Replies 945 Views 2018-07-31 16:23:26 Questions
Hey guys im new here, so if i may ask. If i hack license verification succesfully does it mean that the game wont request for a new update when its updated by the developer?

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shealtiel replied
6 Years
I think to enjoy lucky patcher you need to be rooted. ASSASSINS CREED IDENTITY (before I rooted my phone) always failed to connect because of this verification issue. But after rooting my phone and do all other necessaries, it works well. And the game connects to their server well as if I downloaded it from Play Store. Mind you it's a paid app. 

I think it should.

shealtiel replied
6 Years
I think to enjoy lucky patcher you need to be rooted. ASSASSINS CREED IDENTITY (before I rooted my phone) always failed to connect because of this verification issue. But after rooting my phone and do all other necessaries, it works well. And the game connects to their server well as if I downloaded it from Play Store. Mind you it's a paid app. 
