How to create custom patch?

Active 2 Replies 1.2K Views 2018-04-25 00:24:11 Questions
How do you create a custom patch?

How do you know which hex values need to change?

I've found a useful tool for modding apps called dexpatcher, but how do you turn any of this into an actual patch?

Anybody can explain the general steps?

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adepeter replied
6 Years
@tomas4, can you give a concise tutorial pls
tomas4 replied
6 Years

You should have some programming skills for first...

For first backup app you want crack/patch. Copy it to your PC. Rename from someapp.apk to and then unzip it. You are usually looking for classes.dex file... 

Then you will need some dissassembler like IDA hex-rays -> drawing graphs, look for functions, patching bytes... Open classes.dex here and start patching.

Sometimes is fine to see some code instead of dalvik bytes. So you can use some dex2jar software and look at the output in JDK Gui for example...

When you sucessfully patch classes.dex you have to recompute checksum of that and the recompute checksum of whole apk... There are softwares for it...

It is not easy. You should have a lot of patience... There are tutorials on youtube, but there are not two same apps you always have to find diferent way how to patch what do you want.
