It seems that LP no longer works with new unity games.

Active 4 Replies 719 Views 2019-07-08 02:02:37 General
Unity is doing  a big role in android gaming world.It is  good for developers since it is really powerful and friendly for beginner.But protecting developers is a big responsibility for unity itself.So here comes what the title say.I have seen a lot of new unity games on google play that LP can not hack,even they do not do online checks.In-App billing emulation doesn't do any magic.I can see a lot temp directories in /sdcard/Android/data//Unity/UnityPurchasing,It's easy to see that Unity is definitely using new method to check IAP.But LP is still stuck at the very old way.
I'm not here to complaints,but to says the truth.So I'll stop at here.If anyone can leave the appname that has the problem,i think it will be useful if some cracker want to look into it.

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find_dream replied
4 Years
yes,unity game cannot crack by lp now
find_dream replied
4 Years
eebssk1 replied
5 Years
Well,just got another game wich resistance to LP,just give "invalid signature" although all patches are enabled...
kubolek01 replied
5 Years
I can confirm one case of it, but weird since it considers purchases as completed, without passing it to the game itself, giving nothing.

In this case, the game is Nexomon.
