ill make it fast and simple::
1- download APK editor pro, or buy it.
2- chose an app
3- chose full edit
4-chose decode all files
5-go to "files" tab
6- click on smali
7-go to smali folder "here is all the codes"
8-try to understand the codes and find the file you need to change,(same as step 14).
9- E.g. "a.smali" or "b.smali" or any file
10-click on the file
11- you can see the code in smali
12-click on the three dots "option button"
13- chose java code
14- read the code in java
15- don't modify the java code
16-modify the smali code.
E.g. 1
java ::: boolean r = false ;
smali ::::
const/4 v0, 0x0
sput-boolean v0, ***************;->r:Z
then you change it to :::
const/4 v0, 0x1
sput-boolean v0, ***************;->r:Z
we only changed 0x0 to 0x1
E.g. 2
java ::: public static void c (boolean z){
r = z; } which is a method that overrides the r variable that I need to make sure its "true" all the time.
in java ill just change "r=z to r=true"
but we can't, it will cause problems .. maybe they will fix it soon.
smali ::::
.method public static c(Z)V
.locals 1
//you might see ".registers" instead of ".locals"
sput-boolean p0, ********;->r:Z
.end method
to do so in smali we will change it to :::
.method public static c(Z)V
.locals 2 //change it to 2 because you need to add a new variable.
const/4 v0,0x1 // the new variable which is " boolean bla bla = true;"
sput-boolean v0, ********y;->r:Z
// change the p0 which it was the boolean z to our v0 which is bla bla
.end method
17- click on build
18- wait for it
19- you will see a choice called "try to patch"
20- if all good you can see the patch location, use this lucky patcher code in a text file and put the new odex patch next to it:::
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